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Conversations of the Crane

A Community Exploration into Transformation

Working with Personal Mythology and Dreams

Sat. October 2, 2010

4-6 PM
Fee: $10
Clinical Associates
Offices of Susan Burns MA LMHC
2370 130th Ave NE Ste 106
Bellevue, WA 98005

Conversations of the Crane is a group which focuses on shaping emergent new beginnings through experiential transformative process. So far we have had several sessions facilitated by Susan Burns on myth, dream work, trance work, consciousness and healing. Many professionals (health professionals, psychologists, social workers, educators, organizational change agents, and spiritual seekers) have connected to this work and wish to continue through this Fall/Winter. There is presently consensus to create a steering committee. We have found that Saturdays are the best times to meet. You are invited Conversations of the Crane in Susan Burns’ Bellevue office 10/01/10, 4-6 PM to join a discussion which will explore how to mutually go forward with this work. No fee.

Conversations of the Crane reviews what we gather from our own personal myths, stories and dreams, making space for new beginnings with them. Explore and nurture intuitive insights, intentional decisions, and changing personal stories from the inside out with explorations into myth, consciousness, and dream work! The crane is a great metaphorical symbol for new beginnings with personal myths.

Like the crane, alighting and taking flight between the storms based on a deep sensing with the earth, we  work with the subtle shifts of meaning making in our own transformation stories, moved by energies of shifting thoughts and actions, informed by the changing ground beneath us, to weather our own transitions.

This community meeting explores how we continue to unfold and work with our personal myths and support each other. How can we can we work with our unconscious stories and dreams? What are those new decisions? What are the changes they are bringing and how are we applying them? What insights continue to unfold and how do we work with them? We will work with our unconscious stories for transformation.

The pre-requisites for this group are: 1) an interest in  transpersonal work with myth, dreams, and consciousness studies in a safe exploratory environment and 2) a commitment to ongoing work in a safe environment. This community is comprised mostly of practitioners and will rotate facilitation, meeting monthly for 4 hours.

Susan Burns Will Assist The Crane as Harbinger In Support of The Group's Wisdom
Susan Burns MA LMHC FNBCCH DAPA has been a community catalyst for 15 years, is a psychotherapist and hypnotherapist in private practice for 23 years, and an educator since 1971. She studied Personal Mythology (Dr. Stanley Krippner and Dr. David Feinstein) in her graduate studies. in this past year she has hosted 5 retreats on Personal Mythology and Dreamwork with Dr. Stanley Krippner.